Theremin Player Available: Will Travel! Free Demo-Reel Available MY BIO: http://www.weirdvideos.com/rossmarshall.html LESSONS/TIPS OVER PHONE: CONTACT: rossmarshall@weirdvideos.com 360-421-7195 |
One antenna is the volume control and the other a "pitch" control. When you flap and wabble your hands in the antenna fields, you get a "pitch" squeal. As you move your "pitch" hand to and fro against the pitch antenna, you get a "range" of notes. A continuous stream or pitch bend. The volume hand does the same, except that, the closer you get to the antenna the volume goes down; the further away, the louder. The sound of the Theremin differs somewhat between manufacturers. Some sound like a singing woman's voice, while others sound spacey. The best example, if you are having trouble with what it sounds like, is the background theremin in, THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL by Samuel Hoffman. |
This web page is dedicated to promotion of Theremin playing, and to those who made the Theremin available to us (and of course all their Students):
Leon Theremin
Samuel Hoffman
Paula Marie
Ross Marshall |
I am a theremin player and a videographer. I have produced a few videos for the advancement of Theremin playing. The video footages range from players and their Theremins to interviews of technicians; historical footage of early players, such as Samuel Hoffman and Paula Mary. Of course there is me. I am your Theremin Host.
As you will see, I also play the Theremin in these video.
See me at the Java Shop, playing
my Big Briar 91A! HERE!
I want to do a couple of things with this 'page'. First, I would like to add my "BLAB" to the World Wide Web, as my fellow Thereminists have done. Secondly, I want to offer these video footages to every interested party, for the advancement of Theremin Music. I also want to Network with other players and learn, as well as teach what I know. The video series is a kind of "visual networking newsgroup". Each video is a continuing saga of the theremin's advancement, as each interested person can not only view another's playing, but contribute their own video footage. The footages are incorporated into the succeeding volume, then distributed among those who help with donations. Contributors get a free copy of the video their footage goes in. All others get copies for the donation. The donation monies are used for making further videos, as we locate and incorporate footages of historical value. The series themselves, I hope, will become part of history as well, as players collect them and lead others to collect them.
The series is actually an educational, as well as an entertainment series. Each video and its contents offers the student a variety of materials to learn from. Watching others play can teach you a lot! Everyone has a slightly different style of playing, and the styles range from exotic to the traditional methods. Even each "method" can be divided up into variations. Now for the contents of the series to date.
Plutonium Films Presents: THEREMIN DVD's
$8.00 ea. + 41.00 Postage.
MUSIC 001 "PINOCCHIOS VIOLIN The Stringless Violin": VOLUME-I: With Ross Marshall; Samuel Hoffman and Paula Marie . Shows the THEREMIN in action its weird sound, like in the Day The Earth Stood Still .65mins
MUSIC 002 THEREMIN VOLUME-II: Portland Maine THEREMIN Festival and Concert. Ross Marshall goes to the Portland Main Theremin Convention. Some call it a festival. Others could say, a fiasco! But, it was the first Theremin convention sense the 1920's, and I believe it was the most significant "convention" ever in modern history. I know, I was there! In this 6 hours, unedited, video you'll meet the first 25 students to 'afford' the trip. It starts out with the first reception in the music hall; then, there's the dormatory behind the scenes; rambling through town square and the streets as Ross Marshall and friends explore Portland. Then, the big Concert with Lydia Kavina, Eric Ross, Yours Truly and other fellow students. Video is jammed full of stuff, especially the dormatory theremin practice seccessions. 6 Hours of theremin related video footages. |
MUSIC 003 THEREMIN VOLUME-III: First Los Angeles Multiple Theremin Concert. 1997. With Ross Marshall, Ed Sussman, Charlie Lester. Great Theremin Festival demonstrating many tunes and songs by the greatest players! 90m
MUSIC 004 THEREMIN GYM JAM Volume-IV Great Theremin Jam session by many good players. Each plays a favorite tune at a Concert hall! 90m.
MUSIC 005 THEREMIN VOLUME-V "THEREMIN PLAYERS OF THE 50S" presents You Asked For It shows with Samuel Hoffman and Paula Mary; two great theremin players of the 1950s
***MUSIC 006 THEREMIN PLAYERS VOLUME-VI: with ROSS MARSHALL. 2 hours of players from around the world. Including myself. Has edited versions of all the previous videos. Has Paula Marie, Samuel Hoffman, Ross Marshall and many others playing the theremin! Concerts, music jams, etc. The historical value of this video is the two black & white segments from a 1950's TV show called, YOU ASKED FOR IT, hosted by Art Baker. The show ran from about 1950-1959, and two of the shows presented theremin players: Samuel Hoffman and Paula Marie (who we still know very little about). The two segments have not been seen sense the mid 1950's! And are very valuable items for any Theremin student.-- [ I found them in a video collection of a friend, who allowed me to view the clips. After locating the owners of the "rights" and getting their permission to use the footages, I stuffed them into this tape for your education and entertainment! Following these two pieces of footage is yours truly, playing the theremin, after 1 1/2 years of practice. The footage is a lesson in theremin practice and is great for those who want to learn how to play---as well as learn what NOT to do. Yes, some will find it comical, while others will stuff cotton in their ears, or just shut it off. But, overall, their's a lot to learn from these musical pieces. Without these wonderful historical segments of myself added to the video, the segments of Sam Hoffman and Paula Mary would run about 15 minutes. So, I have filled it up with another hour of playing. Tape runs 110 min's, COLOR/B/W/VIDEO VHS (PAL Obtainable). |
***MUSIC 007 THEREMIN TECHNIQUES: with Ross Marshall. Volume-VI: Shows how to play the theremin from simple to complex. 90m
MUSIC 008 THEREMIN PLAYING at the C.I.A CLUB, with Ross Marshall. Great Stage performances with Ross and many bands
MUSIC 009 THE LOTHARS BAND: Nice weird theremin playing band using different theremins by different makers
MUSIC 10 CLARA ROCKMORE: Theremin. From the 20s to the 90s! The GREATEST THEREMIN PLAYER that has ever lived! (SEE Big Briar, INC.)
MUSIC 12 UNIVAC PRESENTS: Miscl shows: PLUS 1960s Theremin Players, Mr. Lincoln! Plays a home made theremin with plenty of visual special effects! 65m.
***MUSIC 14 ROSS MARSHALL playing the BIG BRIAR 91A. Raw Footage. Many Classical Pieces and Strauss Waltzs.
MUSIC 15 MASTERING THE THEREMIN with Lydia Kavina. (SEE Big Briar, INC.)
MUSIC 16-A,B,C. Different theremin related shows and performances: A. Canadian TV Documentary. B. Exploring the World of Music TV Documentary. C. Steve Martin TV News Broadcast.
MUSIC 17 WOLF ON ZERO TOLERANCE: John McIntyre on theremin playing weird wolfish nature music. Great Special effects done in a TV station! 65m.
MUSIC 18 SHOWER CAPS: A concert by Ross Marshall at the Noxville TN. Hall of Music, University of Music, TN. 80m. (RAW).
MUSIC 19 THEREMIN ENTHUSIASTA CLUB Performance by Barry Eso. FIRST Canadian Theremin performance ever in History. About 50m.
MUSIC 20 Sheet Music for Theremin: HOUSE OF WAX: 6 pages. Notes. (Rare and HARD to get!)
RETURN TO HOME PAGE To continue buying tapes.
Individual Links
With Theremin Content
Tony Bassett (THEREMIN MAKER since 1962)
VIRGIL FRANKLIN An overview of the theremin from southern Indiana's only known living thereminist.
David Ball's combined "Harry Reser: The Greatest of All Tenor
Banjoists", "Vacuum Tube Theremins" and "Levnet:
TheTheremin Listserver" page. Dave is the originator of the
Levnet listserver, builds tube based thereimins and has an active
interest in folk music instruments and players.
Harrison's Theremin Page dealing
with some interesting approaches to theremin design, especially
the use of
infrared as a basis for a circuit. Art also has material related
to playing the theremin.
Saw and Theremin Page
- Robert Froehner 's developing site is the combination of Musical
Saw and Theremin. It has very nice graphics and some sound files
demonstrating both the Saw and the Theremin.
Theremin - David R.'s
new theremin page
Edlund's Theremin Home Page
in Sweden has a brief history of the theremin and links to other
Handbuilt Theremin Company. This
link is kind of an in between commercial and non-commercial. Joseph
Palmer has built some theremins for friends and might go into
limited production if a demand is shown for his theremins.
L E C T R O N I C A -
A Tube-Type Theremin Construction Project by Doug Forbes
historic capsule of Theremin's life and his instrument at CHICO's Music Heritage Network
(MHN) at the University of Michigan.
Charles D. Stein Collection of Early Electronic Instruments at America's Shrine to Music Museum.
More information on Charles D. Stein can be found on this site
Jespersen's Theremin Page. See
Brian Wilson play the theremin.
Theremin Home Page -
A promising page which has finding your right sound on the the
theremin as its first topic. Keep it up Dave. We need more of
this sort of thing..
Ethusiasts Club International
Home Page
Lester's Ethéreal Esotérica 137
Commercial Links
With Theremin Content
Music Discovery Center -
A Chicago music store carrying Big Briar Theremins. It has regular
workshops and Bob Moog conducted one in November 1997 by demonstrating
the Etherevoxtm midi theremin.
TOUCHLESS - A part of the radio and internet
project 'RECYCLING THE FUTURE'. 'TOUCHLESS' is a network concert
with simultaneous Theremin performances in the cities of Moscow,
Madrid and Vienna, while the three locations are interconnected
via radio lines. It is scheduled for Dec.4th,1997, 9pm and 11pm
CET and will be broadcasted via radio
and internet (real audio). It is not known if the concert will
be repeated.
Video Theremin , for
the Amiga, uses a balck and white video camera to capture a players
image. The system computes the image to find the edges of the
player and uses these results to set a level control for pitch
and volume.
Sound Forever interview
with Bob Moog by Billy Bob Hargus.
Discovery Channel page
about the theremin.
Briar Professional
theremins as well as kit and finished "Etherwave" theremins
and a number of accessory items (instructional materials, bumper
stickers, etc.). Site discovered 12/17/96.
Theremax Kit
Audio (aka Longwave)
- Both finished and kits of the Pocket and Elysian (Longwave)
theremin and a
theremin midi interface
ADD YOUR THEREMIN WEB SITE LINK HERE! If you're Theremin Web Site is NOT listed above, please drop me an email and I'll LINK YOU UP! Please do the same with my page.